Every step counts.
Every 10,000 steps - a new tree!
With the innovative app, you can count the steps you take on the treadmill with 100% precision. The highlight: Walkolution plants a tree every time you walk 10,000 steps! Info: The app is currently only available for iOS and will be available for free download from the Apple App Store from 07/22.

Open API: Invite your employer or your health insurance company!
Together with the professionals from the German software company Centigrade, we have created a powerful software solution with an open API. This means that you can, for example, invite your employer or your health insurance company to organize their own donation or incentive campaigns.

Walkolution's sustainability promise
It is obvious that we can only live healthily if our environment also allows us to do so. That's why, from the very beginning, we have been committed to following strict ecological guidelines for our products. For example, we heat our production halls with our own wood waste, and we only use wood from sustainably managed forests.